But I guess, you know, solar panels really are pretty exhilarating, in their own way. They take energy from the sun and turn it into electricity without having to harvest, mine, process, or transport anything. The sun just shines onto the panel, part of it is absorbed by a semiconductor, and then the freed electrons are directed a certain direction, and pow, you’ve got free electricity. It’s all right here: http://science.howstuffworks.com/solar-cell1.htm You’ve got to admit, that’s pretty hot.
Let’s see, what else is there? Oh, my interests include sports, old kung-fu movies, and taking long walks in romantic places. Places like, I don’t know, Spain. Have you ever been to the wine country around Jumilla? The farms in that area are amazing. Like, for example, did you know that they have the largest photovoltaic solar power farm in the world? Seriously, that thing covers almost 250 acres, and it has a peak power capacity of 20 megawatts. That’s enough to power 20,000 homes for a year! (http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/02/powering_20000.php) Yeah, I think that’s probably the most romantic place there is.
If you decide that you want to go out with me—no pressure, though—there’s something you should know: I’m very frugal. Not that I wouldn’t pay for your dinner or anything like that. I just mean, well, for example, last weekend I was fitting my house with solar panels to generate my household electricity. I figured I could save a few bucks on my electric bill, but man, solar panels are expensive! So what I did was—oh man, I can’t believe I’m telling you this—I called a company that maintains highway solar panels and asked if they would sell me some broken ones. They ended up giving me some for free! They’re kind of old and busted, but every bit of solar energy helps, right? Here’s the whole process I went through to get ’em: http://cleantechnica.com/2008/02/07/how-to-cheap-or-free-solar-panels/
So, uh, yeah. I guess that’s all the time I have for this personal ad... blog... dating thing here. If you think that maybe you want to go out with me, just go ahead and send me a text. I’ve got my phone on all the time. Literally, all the time. It never runs out of charge, ’cause it’s solar powered. Pretty sweet, huh? (http://www.engadget.com/2009/02/12/samsung-unveils-blue-earth-a-solar-powered-mobile-phone/) Maybe we can get together and do some karaoke or something. You are the sunshine of my life... Okay, uh, sorry. Call me!