Hey Tee Huggers, guess what!? It’s Earth Month! Yes, Earth Day may be the ecological jewel in April’s crown, but April is the crown itself. All over the world, people are celebrating the beauty and splendor of April on Earth. Check out some pictures of said beauty and splendor here: http://www.earthsky.org/article/earth-month-gallery
But Earth Month isn’t just for people. Animals dig it too. That’s why Tee Hugger is running an Earth Month special for you, and for your furry friends a short step down the evolutionary ladder. When you buy any of our awesome 100% natural cotton T-shirts in the month of April, we’ll donate 15% of the sale to the Wildlife Conservation Society (http://www.bronxzoo.com/). You’ll get a top-quality T-shirt with a funny picture and perhaps even a clever entendre, and the WCS will get the funding they need to support their efforts to save endangered gorillas. Everybody wins during Earth Month.
But we’re not the only ones pulling out all the stops this April. The good people of Mid-Columbia bring their local activism to the world with their Earth Month website. They encourage us all to take their “Earth Pledge 2009,” which goes a little something like this:
“Make a pledge to reduce the amount of trash you generate. You choose how you are going to reuse: start by refilling water bottles, reuse grocery bags, repair broken items and reroute useable items. We can make a world of difference by conserving natural resources and reducing the amount of garbage we send to landfills!”
I’m already honoring my pledge to reuse by reusing that copy in this blog entry. And now you’ve read it too, and maybe you’ll reuse something of your own. See how quickly conservationism snowballs when we all take the pledge? (http://www.earthmonthmc.org/pledge.php)
We’ve already raised awareness with our shirt, and we’ve helped fund wildlife conservation with our shirt, now it’s time to put that shirt on and get out in the field. The most important thing you can do to help Mother Earth during her very special month is to get out and volunteer. The folks at Planet Green have put together a great resource to help you get started: http://planetgreen.discovery.com/feature/earth-day/earth-day-2009-volunteering.html
Me? I’m going to start my Earth Month festivities by turning off my freezer to save energy. But first, I’ve got a lot of frozen TV dinners to eat...
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